Prices, as published, are subject to change at anytime without notice. Price quotes provided by Curtis Matthews Photography at time of booking will be honored.
A $75 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of booking to guarantee your desired date and time. Your deposit is non-refundable, but is transferable in situations where you must reschedule your session. I ask that you give me as much notice as possible if you must reschedule, at least 48 hours notice is preferred. The deposit for a session cancelled on the same day as your appointment will be transferred to your rescheduled session at the sole discretion of Curtis Matthews Photography.
Cash or Zelle payment accepted only.
Digital Image Delivery
Typical turn around time is 3 weeks after the session. A sneak peak is delivered typically within 1 week. CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY provides high resolution jpg images only for download.
Image Retention
Digital photo images will be retained by Curtis Matthews Photography for a period of 6 months only after delivery to client.
Model Release
I hereby grant CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs or other images of me/my child, or in which I/my child may be included, on business websites, in any print, electronic, digital, other media or social media websites for the purpose of marketing CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY and to alter the same without restriction. I further acknowledge that my participation is voluntary and that I will not receive financial compensation of any type associated with the taking or publication of images from the session. I irrevocably assign such images’ rights and uses to CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY into perpetuity. I hereby release CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY from all claims and liabilities relating to said images.
Client understands and agrees that he or she has hired CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY exclusive of any other service provider. In order to provide a high level of satisfaction and quality of service, no other service providers, other than any assistant or third party that CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY hires to complete the services requested.
Intellectual Property
Copyright Ownership. In the event that any copyrighted work(s) are created as a result of the services provided by CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY from your session CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY owns all copyrights in any and all work(s) it creates or produces pursuant to federal copyright law (Title 17, Chapter 2, Section 201-02 of the United States Code), whether registered or unregistered. Any and all products, whether tangible or intangible, produced or created in connection with, or in the process of fulfilling the photography session, are expressly and solely owned by CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY and may be used in the reasonable course of CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY business.
Permitted uses of images. CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY grants a non-exclusive license of images produced with and for personal use only. Personal use includes, but is not limited to, use within the following contexts:
Photos on personal social media pages, profiles, personal creations such as a personal gift or holiday cards.
Digital photo images will be provided to the client via digital online delivery. The client may print, reproduce, or download the digital photo images from the online viewing gallery at any time as available. Digital photo images may be used by the client for personal use only and may not be sold or published without written permission from Curtis Matthews Photography.
Artistic Release
Style. Client has spent a satisfactory amount of time reviewing CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY work and has a reasonable expectation that CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY will perform the services in a similar manner.
Consistency. CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY will use reasonable efforts to ensure client's desired services are produced in a style and manner consistent with CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY current portfolio and CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY will try to incorporate any reasonable suggestion made by client. However, client understands and agrees that:
Photography services are often a subjective art and CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY has a unique vision with an ever-evolving style and technique.
CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY will use its artistic judgment when providing services for client, which may not include strict adherence to client’s suggestions. Although CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY will use reasonable efforts to incorporate client’s suggestions and desires when providing client with the services, CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY shall have final say regarding the aesthetic judgment and artistic quality of the services. Dissatisfaction with CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY aesthetic judgment or artistic ability are not valid reasons for request of any monies returned.
Limit of Liability
Client agrees that the maximum amount of damages he or she is entitled to in any claim relating to services provided are not to exceed the total cost of services provided by CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY.
Loss of Images
In the event that any or all images are lost, such as damage to or loss of a component of the product necessary for final delivery, CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY shall refund client a pro-rated portion of the total cost based on the amount of services that were completed/provided against the amount of services that were agreed to be completed/provided.
Cancellation, Rescheduling and No-Shows
Cancellation, rescheduling of services or no-show client. If client desires to cancel services, reschedule services, or if it becomes impossible for CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY to render services due to the fault of the client or parties related to client, such as failure of the photography session to occur or failure of one or more essential parties to the photography session to show up in a timely manner, client shall provide notice to CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY as soon as possible. CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY has no obligation to attempt to re-book further services to fill the void created by client’s cancellation, rescheduling, no-show or if it becomes impossible for CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY to provide the services due to the fault of client (or parties related to client), and CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY will not be obligated to refund any monies client has previously paid towards the total cost. Client is not relieved of any payment obligations for cancelled services, rescheduled services, failing to show up for the photography session, or should it become impossible for CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY to provide the services due to the fault of client (or parties related to client) unless the parties otherwise agree in writing. For instance, if CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY is able to secure another, unrelated client for, then CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY may choose, at its sole discretion, to excuse all (or a portion of) client's outstanding balance of the total cost.
Either party may choose to be excused of any further performance obligations in the event of a disastrous occurrence outside the control of either party, such as, but not limited to:
A natural disaster (fires, explosions, earthquakes, hurricane, flooding, storms or infestation); or War, Invasion, Act of Foreign Enemies, Embargo, or other Hostility (whether declared or not); or Any hazardous situation created outside the control of either party such as a pandemic, riot, disorder, nuclear leak or explosion, or act or threat of terrorism. In the event CURTIS MATTHEWS PHOTOGRAPHY cannot or will not perform its obligations in any or all parts will issue a refund or credit based on a reasonably accurate percentage of services rendered and excuse client of any further performance and/or payment obligations.
By hiring Curtis Matthews Photography you agree to the terms of our policy and provisions as stated above.